Maia Atkinson
Level is Hot
Baba is you, room is hot
Rock is key, but push it’s not
Door is out, but wall does block
How do key, get into spot
Baba is you, exit is door
Lava defeat, lava is more
Hot is melt, cannot ignore
Must get back outside, where you was before
How wall not do block? Think for nonstop
Look at the text, do switch and a swap
Rock is still key, place it on top
Door is now open, to menu you walk
Level now finish, was quite a feat
Feel is good, for you is not cheat
Level gave badge, all nifty and neat
Only 100 left, till job is complete.
The bird king rules all. He sings a song of turnips
Panda is panda all of all
yellow yellow yellow is the sky
Blue blue conttone candy
The sugar melts away
Snaps to whale
Rocks go up and up to be a circle
Broken deer is shattered
Whale man transports a city, with a trumpet on his back
Blue and pink make yellow
The fish can see the sea
While the octopus can see thee
He can smell your blue eyes
While not tasting a thing
The tiger rolls down and down and down, he is now a fish
Yet snake is not
Snoop slowly, they can feel your toes
Wum sowl, sand is rock
Snad is in my shirt, woven in the green
The sounds complete
The fisherman can see your sandwich, he likes the taste of yellow
Yet can he see my snadwhich
Snad know all, snad sees all, yen no know snad
Yen low
Fish can tell the time, the water is a clock
Yer sand and snad which return again
Tumbling down the wind